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Darkness Within - Summary Essay

This book was amazing to read and terrible. I was really invested in the story by the time I got to this book. It was one of those can’t-put-down reads.

But it ends on a cliffhanger. You realise what’s about to happen, and then it just stops!

There was so much going on. Even when we stayed in one area, there was so much happening internally. 

Everything the characters were doing or thinking. Mostly what they were thinking. Looking at the theme and more in this book was great. And once you realise what the theme of the book is, I think it’s obvious.

So, here is the summary essay for Darkness Within.

Poster of forest and orange cat with green eyes. Reads Our ancestors won't turn against us. They were warriors once. They are warriors still

The central theme in Darkness Within is final decisions. That is to say, if chosen, decisions that will not give you a chance to try a different course of action later on. When faced with a choice, it can be hard to know the right choice, especially with more significant decisions that will affect many people. The Clans are faced with a possible, final decision, which will affect all of them. Some believe killing Ashfur will bring back StarClan or Bramblestar. Others say it will kill Bramblestar forever, and they won’t be able to try and get Ashfur to tell them how to bring back StarClan if killing him doesn’t work.

There are five main characters in the book. The first three are the protagonists. The first is Shadowsight, who cares for and has the most contact with Ashfur. The second is Rootpaw, who is related to The Sisters. The last protagonist is Bristlefrost, whose Clan has been affected most by Ashfur. Squirrelflight is another main character, as she is an important decision-maker that drives the story forward. The final main character is the antagonist, Ashfur, who is still causing strife for the Clans and the dead as a prisoner.

The main situations in Darkness Within are listed in the following sentences. It’s shown StarClan sent Ashfur back. Squirrelflight tells the Clans who the imposter is. The Clans share guarding Ashfur. Shadowsight is no longer a full medicine cat and can only treat Ashfur. A patrol looks for The Sisters to see if they can contact StarClan. The Sisters summon the spirits around the lake. The ghosts are angry and in pain. Rootpaw sees Ashfur’s ghost looking happy. Lionblaze attacks Ashfur, and Shadowsight stops him. The leaders agree to kill Ashfur. Shadowsight frees Ashfur, who confronts Squirrelflight at the moonpool.

Thank you all for reading this, and I hope you enjoyed it. If you know anybody else who might like this, please share using the button on the right.

Stay safe and healthy.

Alice B Hutley

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