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SkyClan's Destiny - Summary Essay

Those of you who read my last blog post know that SkyClan's Destiny is my least favourite super edition out of the ones I've read so far.

Don't get me wrong, SkyClan's Destiny has an exciting and engaging story to tell. The thing is, you need a lot of background to understand it, and the only way you can get that is by having chapters explaining it inserted into the story.

These flash-backs annoyed me so much on the first reading. I didn't understand their purpose, and they only seemed to detract from the actual story that was going on in the present. Most times I've read it, I've still wished they could have told the story differently, as I found these chapters quite dull.

I don't know why. Perhaps because I was reading the book in more detail, or I became more able to invest myself in the story over time? This time I actually enjoyed those chapters. There is an in-depth story going on in those short chapters beyond the surface background.

What do you think about the story in SkyClan's Destiny? Do you like the chapters about the twoleg place? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I just wanted to say that I know a lot of us are feeling down because of the pandemic. We really could do with a laugh. Yesterday, when I was browsing through social media, I saw several things that gave me a giggle.

On Reddit in r/magicbuilding, u/GatorDragon shared an idea about "wizards hav[ing] the same trust in magic that software designers have in software…almost none at all."

Some of the examples it gave were: 

 "Yeah I was in the circle that made Alston's Divine Circle of Teleportation. There's some pretty nasty corner cases you can get stuck into but the headmaster published it without us. I just take ships. It's way safer."

"I've been looking at this scroll all morning and I'm 90% sure that the scribe didn't even look at the standard for pyromancies."

On Twitter I saw this Tweet from @TreyStoneAuthor:

'My wife just told me to "turn down the dog pipes."

First of all, I'm not listening to anything - none of us are?! And when I told her they're called "bag pipes," she just squinted at me real hard like she didn't believe me.

Quarantine-fever is getting to us.'

Authors have creative minds, regardless of what genre they write. Even non-fiction requires some creativity. If you want something to get you thinking and maybe get you a few laughs, rather than following a joke page, try a writing group or following and author on social media. If you don't write, you can still offer advice as a reader. We're always looking for feedback, both positive and critical.

Stay safe, and stay connected how you can. We'll come out the other side, together.

Here is the summary essay for SkyClan's Destiny.

SkyClan's Destiny looks at truth versus belief. We form opinions about people as soon as we meet. They aren't always correct, and though experiences and actions may change our ideas about someone, only they can tell you if it's truly right. However, they may not always reveal the truth. Leafstar makes assumptions about the visitors before deciding to make them warriors. She realises they do not understand the meaning of the ceremony. After learning that her deputy is training cats in twoleg place without her knowledge, Leafstar believes Sharpclaw is challenging her leadership. Her assumptions are shown to be false when the characters explain.

There are two main characters in the story. There is Leafstar, the protagonist, whose point of view conveys the plot to the reader. Sharpclaw plays the role of the main antagonist, as he is present throughout the entire storyline. All the other characters who play the role of antagonist, either do so briefly or are not present for long enough to be considered a main character. All the other characters who appear in SkyClan's Destiny are minor or incidental. 

The main situations follow: Sharpclaw is acting like SkyClan's leader. SkyClan decides to scare a twoleg who has tortured their clan members. Visitors arrive in the clan and help them to drive out rats. Echosong and Leafstar's relationship becomes strained. Leafstar's wishes to have a mate and Echosong wants an apprentice. SkyClan helps the visitors back in their twoleg place and reminds them how the warrior code can benefit them. After Sharpclaw explains why he challenged her authority, Leafstar affirms some choices. He must respect the daylight warriors, Frecklepaw can be Echosong's apprentice, and she can take a mate.

I hope you are enjoying these, and they're helping to drive away some of the worry and quarantine boredom. Thank you for reading.

How are you all going, anyway? Are any of you out of lockdown? New South Wales is going okay, but we're all a little cautious about the second wave happening nearby in Victoria. Hope it's not too bad for you guys.

I'd love to talk to you more, so feel free to connect with me on social media. You can also join my Patreon to connect with me on Discord, and other places too.

Please comment, and share.

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