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Fire And Ice - Summary

I am going to write a short three paragraph summary of the main themes, characters, and situation for each ‘Warriors’ book I own. These are not full essays, but feedback is still appreciated.

The two most prominent themes in Fire and Ice are trusting your instincts, and how strong emotions can cloud your judgement. The story almost instantly shows Fireheart believing Tigerclaw is a murderer. He himself feels I his gut that there is something off about the deputy, and at the end of the book, we see that the deputy cannot be trusted. However, when angry at his friend, Fireheart reeves the warning ‘beware the warrior you cannot trust’, and takes this to mean Greystripe. His anger towards his friend makes him forget the threat of Tigerclaw that his instincts warn him of.The main characters in this book are as follows: Fireheart is the protagonist. Greystripe is Fireheart best friend. Tigerclaw is the main antagonist. Other important characters include Cinderpaw who Fireheart feels responsible for as she is his apprentice, Bluestar, who is the leader of the clan, Silverstream, who is Greystripe’s love interest, and Sandpaw, who comes a good friend to Fireheart.The main situation in Fire and Ice is that Fireheart knows that the deputy, Tigerclaw, is dangerous, but when he confronts Bluestar, she doesn’t believe him. The causes him to second guess what his gut tells him. Other worries such as having no kin in the clan, and being lonely, and his friend breaking the warrior code, stop him from sorting through his feelings, so that he can get the facts to deal with this threat.

I would love to put other people's art in my ‘Warriors’ blog. If you are interested you can contact me on any of my social media sites on the right hand sidebar. Scenes, characters, and almost anything else works. It can be from the first six series, the mangas, novellas, Super editions, or field guides. All art will be credited under the name of your choice (eg real name, Tumblr user name, etc.)

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